
Categories Our Programs

Climate Action

Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow. We are facing unprecedented impacts from a warming planet already: record-breaking…

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Categories Our Programs

Skill Training for Youth

Skill is considered as every such action which would help improve the 1) learning of the school students and the 2) technology enabled educational assistance and impart useful foundational skills leading to gainful employment (to be managed by Anandadhara Kajkendra,…

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Categories Our Programs

Women Council – Narishakti

Nari Sakti is platform for all women, irrespective of caste, creed, and community, which offer women range of economic and social options along with necessary support measures to enhance their capabilities. Woman is the key stakeholder in the family and…

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Categories Our Programs

Youth Council

Youth Council is an assembly of willful young members aged fifteen to twenty five of the target groups, who volunteer their energy in committing a resolute journey for growing abilities and to create better cause for common good over the…

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Categories Our Programs

Children Council

The council of children is primarily to highlight the right of the children to express, be heard and participate as today’s citizen. This helps children to remain safe, protected, advance and learn in any atmosphere, however difficult it could be,…

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Categories Our Programs

Community Based Child Protection

The economic crisis, long closure of schools and suspension of the services of child protection during the pandemic period left children most vulnerable across the country.  Particularly in the state of West Bengal and Jharkhand rampant increase in the rate…

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