Our Involvement
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Right to Education Forum
Right to Education Forum (RTE Forum) is a platform of national education networks, teachers’ unions, peoples’ movements and prominent educationists with a combined strength of 10,000 NGOs from all over India. SPAN is the National Council Member of RTE Forum and state core committee member of West Bengal RTE Forum.

Campaign Against Child Labour
The Campaign Against Child Labour (CACL) is a national level network / campaign of different organizations that have joined hands to raise the issue of child labour in India, and actively intervene where children’s rights are being violated. SPAN is the convenor of CACL in West Bengal and National NCC member.

Forum for Creches and Child Care Services (FORCES)
FORCES is an All India network comprising 50 member organizations (Trade unions, women’s organizations, NGOs and academics, lawyers, medical doctors, etc), individual members and eleven regional networks with their own membership. The core vision of FORCES is that every child has the right to early childhood care and development including crèches and childcare services and that it is the state’s responsibility to ensure such services for all children, especially those of women working in the unorganized and informal sector. SPAN is the convenor of FORCES in West Bengal.