Leadership Building

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Building a Brighter Future,
One Program at a Time

Category :- Leadership Building


Youth Council is an assembly of wilful young members aged fifteen to twenty five of the target groups, who volunteer their energy in committing a resolute journey for growing abilities and to create better cause for common good over the self-interest alone.

SPAN facilitates in developing the council. Council means a cabinet of willing and capable youth; who will work on enhancing their ability to challenge and create a better cause to effect a change.

It is a platform to encourage and support potential youth to achieve their fullest potential, and by doing so they will create the example first to encourage others. Members in Council should have the willingness to exercise and translate their fullest effort and become truly a CM (Change-maker).

Council is perceived to be a smaller group of young people assembled with a purposed and shared responsibilities.

Towards reducing the causes of the vulnerabilities, and to inculcate knowledge, attitude, and the right wisdom for a change in the perspective of education, economic opportunities, employment, climate and sustainability, peace, and justice, gender equality and SDG; several councils may be engaged to spearhead an enabling situation.

Youth Council Formation

Members in Council should have the willingness to exercise and translate their fullest effort and become truly a CM (Change-maker).

Seven to fifteen members are mobilized in a particular community and get involved creating a better cause, is known to be the Youth Council. Several such councils could evolve out of the process in a particular community, depending upon the size of the population and severity of the causes. Members will volunteer to file their interest in opting for the responsibilities e.g. Convener, Secretariat (2 members) and a Working Group (4 members).

Category :- Leadership Building


The council of children is primarily to highlight the right of the children to express, be heard and participate as today’s citizen.

This helps children to remain safe, protected, advance and learn in any atmosphere, however difficult it could be, as one can imagine.

So, SPAN insist children to form their group, which they cherish, be it in school or in community.

SPAN ensures all children to be informed adequately so that they could recognise what is good for them and their friend and what is not! Alongside the children are pursued about their academic performances. The platform also keeps an watchful eye on very member so that they stay safe and secured.


Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as “every human being below the age of eighteen years”. The Convention transforms children from passive object to active agents of rights. It demands that their views be considered and given due importance.

Adhering the same SPAN thus ensure the platform for children to learn, speak and to be heard, which enables them to participate in the governance, provide them an opportunity to become the proponents of their own rights, and make  responsible citizens motivated to uphold their rights to survive, develop and be protected.

Category :- Leadership Building


Narishakti (Women Council) is platform women, irrespective of caste, creed, and community, who are industrious to change her life situation and in the process become role model for others.   This platform offer women range of economic and social options along with necessary support measures to enhance their capabilities.

Woman is the key stakeholder in the family and when she is required to contribute to family income and household chores, her incompetence prove to be the greater challenge to tide over her misery and poverty in terms of managing households in every aspect. Moreover, she bears all the brunt of patriarchal society, and it becomes more, when her social, cultural, and economic position are almost at the bottom.

Women would be better equipped with information, education, training, and skill, and become better human being with qualification, dignity, and better control over her own life.

Their contribution to socio-economic development as producers and workers are often not recognised in the formal or informal sectors (including the home-based works).

Hence, the platform would certainly advocate for observing the minimum wage, equal wage for the same work, all such entitlements related to labour code bill, and dignity relating to her employment and working conditions. Feminisation of poverty, increased gender
inequality through often deteriorating working conditions and unsafe working environment are some such concerns towards more women joining the labour force.

Nari Sakti provides comprehensive support in terms of labour legislation, social security, and other support services to participate in various work sectors.

Women are adequately trained and informed to participate in the Governance.

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