Rural Livelihood and People’s Control over Natural Resources

Seed distribution to the farmers at Purulia

A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base.

The key elements SPAN organize at village level:

Identify few villages which are in urgent need of increasing capabilities especially in regard to their production, income, working days, and food insecurity.

Hence engaging expertise to educate, train, and orient a group of community resource volunteers, which in turn orient the group in creation of working days , poverty reduction, well-being and capabilities, livelihood adaptability by being engaged with more livelihood options to avoid vulnerability and become resilient. Gather knowledge about livelihood resources natural, economic, human and social capitals, which are combined in the pursuit of different livelihood strategies agricultural, livelihood diversification and enhance women’s ability with a particular combination of livelihood strategies to create gainful employment.